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Salman Nawaz

Salman Nawaz

Founder & Lead Developer at SalluLabs

Building innovative solutions for image processing, code extraction, and QR technologies that help developers and businesses solve real-world problems.

About Me

I'm Salman Nawaz, a developer and entrepreneur with a passion for creating tools that make developers' lives easier. With over 8 years of experience in software development and image processing, I founded SalluLabs to solve the challenges I encountered in my own work.

My journey began with a simple problem: extracting code from screenshots and images. What started as a personal project evolved into a suite of powerful tools used by developers and businesses worldwide.

My expertise spans across web development, machine learning for image processing, and optical character recognition technologies. I've contributed to multiple open-source projects and spoken at developer conferences about the intersection of AI and developer tools.


  • ✓ Image Processing & Analysis
  • ✓ OCR Technology
  • ✓ QR & Barcode Solutions
  • ✓ Web Development
  • ✓ Machine Learning


  • 🏆 Tech Innovator Award 2023
  • 🏆 10,000+ Active Users
  • 🏆 Featured on Dev Tools Weekly

Mission & Vision

At SalluLabs, we're guided by a simple principle: create tools that solve real problems for developers and businesses.


Our Mission

To develop innovative, accessible tools that streamline workflows and boost productivity for developers and businesses worldwide.


Our Vision

To become the leading provider of image processing and code extraction solutions, making complex technologies accessible to everyone.


Our Values

Innovation, reliability, accessibility, and user-centered design guide everything we create at SalluLabs.

Frequently Asked Questions

How did you start SalluLabs?

SalluLabs began as a solution to my own frustrations with extracting code from documentation and tutorials. I created a simple tool for personal use, shared it with colleagues, and their enthusiastic response inspired me to develop it into a full suite of professional tools.

What technologies do your tools use?

Our tools leverage advanced computer vision, machine learning algorithms, and custom OCR technology to process images and extract information. We use a combination of Python for backend processing and JavaScript for our web interfaces.

Are your tools open source?

While our core products are proprietary, we actively contribute to open-source projects in the image processing community. We've released several utility libraries that power parts of our technology stack.

Do you offer custom solutions for businesses?

Yes, we provide custom implementations of our technology for businesses with specific needs. We've worked with companies in various sectors to integrate our image processing and code extraction capabilities into their workflows.

Let's Connect

Have questions about SalluLabs or interested in collaboration? I'm always open to connecting with fellow developers, entrepreneurs, and potential partners.

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