Remove backgrounds from your images instantly with our professional desktop tool. Powered by advanced AI for perfect results every time.
Our desktop application uses advanced AI algorithms to deliver high-quality results in seconds.
Simply drag and drop your image, and our AI will automatically remove the background in seconds.
Process your images locally without internet connection. Your files never leave your computer.
Save time by processing multiple images at once. Perfect for e-commerce and large projects.
Our powerful AI technology identifies the main subject of your image and precisely separates it from the background. Get professional results without complex editing tools.
Drag and drop or browse to select the image you want to edit.
Our AI automatically detects and removes the background.
Use our simple tools to refine edges and perfect your result.
Save as PNG with transparency, JPG with custom background, or other formats.
Get started with our powerful background removal tool today. Choose your platform below.
Our background remover uses advanced machine learning algorithms to identify foreground subjects and separate them from backgrounds. The AI has been trained on millions of images to accurately detect edges, understand complex scenes, and provide clean cutouts even for difficult subjects like hair or transparent objects.
Absolutely! Since our app works offline, your images never leave your computer. We don't collect, store, or transmit your photos to any server. All image processing happens locally on your device, ensuring complete privacy.
Our application supports all common image formats including JPG, PNG, WEBP, TIFF, and BMP. You can export your results with transparent backgrounds as PNG or WEBP, or with custom backgrounds in any supported format.
No, there are no limits! You can process as many images as you need since the application runs on your computer. The batch processing feature allows you to remove backgrounds from multiple images simultaneously, saving you valuable time.
We're actively working on the macOS version and expect to release it within the next two months. You can sign up for our newsletter to be notified as soon as it becomes available.
The web version will include most of the core features of the desktop application. While the processing might be slightly faster on the desktop version, the web app will offer the convenience of accessing the tool from any device without installation. Some advanced batch processing features may be limited in the web version.